Olivia Beachy, 8, collects eggs from the chicken coops in her family’s yard in Auburn, Ky. as part of her evening chores on March 28, 2023. Olivia's family is a descendant of the Beachy Amish-Mennonites, an Anabaptist branch originally from Pennsylvania that now makes up a significant portion of the Auburn-Franklin area. “The reason I make lists of chores all the time is so they learn how to help each other, and how to be responsible for what’s around them,” said Valerie Beachy, Olivia’s mother. “I’ve said that idleness is the devil’s workshop.”

Olivia Beachy, 8, collects eggs from the chicken coops in her family’s yard in Auburn, Ky. as part of her evening chores on March 28, 2023. Olivia's family is a descendant of the Beachy Amish-Mennonites, an Anabaptist branch originally from Pennsylvania that now makes up a significant portion of the Auburn-Franklin area. “The reason I make lists of chores all the time is so they learn how to help each other, and how to be responsible for what’s around them,” said Valerie Beachy, Olivia’s mother. “I’ve said that idleness is the devil’s workshop.”

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